Linggo, Mayo 27, 2012

Life is no correct minus wrong

Four years ago I was a 15-year old girl ready for a new challenge in life. Excited for college and just cannot wait until I’m out of high school. Getting my application form for college was like a blast of reality, “This is it. Next year I’ll start my real journey to being an adult.” People have told me countless times that college is the real deal. It’s your first true step to reality. College will determine who you will be for the rest of your life. What you finish in college will most likely be what you will be doing for the next 50 or so years of your life.
I was a kid then; young and inexperienced and not really knowing what the world will throw at me. But even before that I already had my mind set on what I want, BS Biology, I said. After finishing it I would then take up medicine. I had it all planned but I was also thinking about my mom and my dad and how much money it would cost to study medicine in Manila or even here in Bicol because the tuition fee starts at 50 000 pesos per semester. So I decided to put my dreams aside and opt for a more reasonable course.
Fast forward and here I am in Chemical Engineering. I have to admit that I became proud of my course. You here it and you immediately thinks that it’s this really cool thing and that instantly makes you cool, too. I wish it was like that though. For people who don’t know what I’m going through think that I’m this smart girl who is really good at what she does but inside I am trying so hard not to break down. This course is really hard and I’m honestly trying my best here but sometimes I cannot help but regret the choices I made.
I keep thinking what if I chose what I wanted, what if I fought for my dream. I may feel the hardships but I will be forced to do better because I’m doing what I want to do. I’m learning the hard way now. I know I can get out of this, I can stop right now and go after my dream, but I choose not to. You know why? It’s because I’m not a quitter. I will stand by my choices and whatever the consequences may be I will face them and do my best to conquer whatever trials and hardships these choices I made will give me. My parents have taught me that you won’t always get what you want in life and the key is to go with it and to try to be the best person you can be. I have learned that life is no fun without getting hurt, disappointed and dumped every once in a while. Cliché as it may be but you learn from your mistakes if not from others’.
In two years, hopefully I will graduate from my college. I will take the board exams and if willed, pass on my first take. I may never be able to live my dream of becoming a doctor. I know that part of me will forever regret it but it doesn’t mean that I cannot succeed in this. The time will come when I shall look back at my life and say, “Whatever the things that happened in the past, whatever mistakes I made and whatever regrets I had had all contributed to what I am and what I have become.” And I will forever be thankful for that.

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